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Human-Computer Interaction (SIT22008)

HCI quotes

“Feedback is the heart of interaction. If user interaction is a conversation between your user and the product, then your product better participate in a friendly, interesting, and helpful manner.” - UXPin team

3. Home & Human Life

HCI is now everywhere. You can easily find computer-provided services at home. By answering the following questions, you might understand how humans and computers already have interacted every moment in daily life.

We will have some practices (like the below) regarding how humans and computers treat information for each other. And what benefits could we have from the computer through H-C interaction? Let’s find it by filling the following form.

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
refrigerator I made the door opened accidentally after taking food from it it provides a beep sound it reminds me to close the door I can avoid unexpected situations (e.g., frozen food melted, fresh food spoiled, …) due to my mistake
doorbell I noticed when someone arrived at my home (or at the entrance of my building) it alarmed to me with a sound (music) and a video screen I could easily recognize who is arrived; then could make a decision if I should open the door or not No need to go to the entrance and open the door to check who is out there

From the following videos, see what computer-assisted interactive services that could help people conveniently in their daily life. Get informed about how humans and computers interact with each other in daily life.

Subtopics in this lecture

[Video Lectures]

A. Smart-Home Techs and HCI

Lots of IoT sensors and devices that intend to make your life easier have been introduced. But not every product was successful, and only some are famously used. Why? That’s mostly because of UX, which is not enough considered. If a product requires too much care (e.g., too often battery change, easily disconnected from the internet, unsatisfied features in a smartphone app, inconvenience in data monitoring/handling), it is not the SMART product anymore. Keep in mind that everyone likes EASY and SIMPLE things for their everyday life (e.g., houseworks, going for a work, …) so that they can focus on important things.

If you want to understand an HCI expert’s role in a big company like Google, it’s good to use an AI speaker and imagine how its services are created. Also, see Amazon Echo Dot Kids and find how kids interact/play with AI speakers. HCI experts (or UX researchers) always focus their eyes on USERS and find what they need.

The robot industry is fastly growing, and the moment of living with robots are getting closer. Samsung recently introduced AI-powered household robots at CES 2021, which can help your housework in the near future. Imagine how you will live with robots at home. What services do you expect to get from house robots? Find what’s the HCI (or HRI) from the following videos.

Food technology is one of the most important technologies for our life as everybody wants to eat healthy and safe foods. More and more people are getting involved to grow veggies at home, and home farming technologies will be increased dramatically in the near future.

Yes, the pet industry is surely a big industry. This market is growing gradually, and lots of products are revealed every day. Thinking of HCI ideas related to pet care (or say, Pet-Tech) will be very interesting!

What do you expect to do, if you have this kind of product (say, smart mirror) at your home?

B. Sports and Entertainment

What benefits the ICT-based interactive sports can provide to people?

See the following videos. Looks so fun to play!

C. Assistive Techs & HCI

Someone needs help and support in daily life. See how ICT technologies (also with remarkable interactions) can cowork with disabled people in their life and work!

What can you do for people who needs help?

D. Future Home Scenarios


List of Video Lectures