HW2 - Line Chart

date: 2019-10-11

Introduction: This chart is a line graph of game company trends. This chart shows that Blizzard is more searched in South Korea than the other two companies.

Data: I gathered this data to check which company is popular, becouse I'm looking for a job about game.
Scoure link of Data: https://trends.google.co.kr/trends/explore?date=2019-05-01%202019-10-02&geo=KR&q=%2Fm%2F01jx9,%2Fm%2F07kdf9w,%2Fg%2F1216lng6

Source code of this page: https://github.com/gagip/Data_Visualization_2019/blob/master/line_chart_%EC%86%90%EC%B0%AC%EC%9A%B0.html

[Professor's comments]

차트가 너무 납작하지요. 차트가 그려지는 div의 높이를 설정(예: "height: 500px")하면 됩니다.

가로축 제목이 빠졌네요. 어느 연도인지?

animation 효과와 annotation (DataView 사용)을 넣어보세요.