Data Visualization (SIT42001) - General Syllabus
This general syllabus is not year-specific. The course-takers should find the syllabus of the year in the intranet of HGU.
Course Introduction
In this course, students will learn and practice how to effectively visualize data and information based on design principles by using computer and design techniques.
There are three major learning topics in this course.
- Learning R + Shiny programming for interactive data visualization (taught by Prof. Hyebong Choi).
- Learning user-friendly visualization and design principles (taught by Prof. Wonsup Lee).
- Doing a data/information visualization project (majorly led by Prof. Lee).
Assignments (15%)
Here are three assginment topics (3% each).
- About data
- Get any data from the internet. You should put the reference of the source.
- or You can artificially make any data for the assignments, in this case leave your remark that “the data has been artificially produced”.
- Any data types (e.g., .cvs, .xml, .json) are available for assignments 3 to 5.
- Drawing charts
- Draw the following charts using Google Chart by the mentioned due dates.
- Assignments
- Bar Chart (due: week 5)
- Line Chart (due: week 7)
- Pie Chart or Donut Chart (due: week 10; requirement: read data from file (.csv))
- Geo Chart (due: week 13; requirement: read data from file (.csv))
- Maps (due: week 15; requirement: read data from file (.csv))
- Considering the user-centered design principles
- Due dates will be reannounced if it is changed.
- Evaluation criteria
- Usability: intuitivity, readability, visibility, ease-of-understand
- Appropriate visualization by concerning the data type
- Submission of the assiengments
- First, Create a new repository in your GitHub or make a folder in your existing Git repository.
- Upload your html file (the filename should start with the type of chart, e.g., bar_chart_홍길동.html).
- Submit the link of the html file (web address) in the LMS.
- See Student works & comments
Final-Term Exam (10%)
See the following reference materials, then explain about influential data visualization considering the following sub-topics.
- sub-topics
- concept of the user-centered design
- user-centered design principles (e.g., visibility, readability, understandability, ease-of-use, simplicity, consistency, etc.)
- data analysis/visualization and its influence
- importance of considering the users (or readers, audiences)
- how to make your data more visible/readable and more influential to stakeholders and society
- influence of Nightingale’s chart or Prof. Hans Rosling’s researches
- why not change the world by analyzing data, also by visualizing it
- reference materials
- 9 tenets introduced in videos entitled “Information design and visualization fundamentals 1 to 4”
- a video entitled “Overview of data visualization”
- case studies including Nightingale’s chart and Prof. Hans Rosling’s researches
- user-centered design principles in Human Factors and Ergonomics, one of Prof. Lee’s courses
- General Guidelines for Writers
- Requirements
- Minimum five pages
- Language: basically, English (Korean is allowed)
- Use the shared essay form (Download from here)
- Font: Batang & Times New Roman
- Font size: 12 pt.
- Line height: 1.5
- Evaluation
- Satisfaction of the minimum requirement
- Evaluation criteria: clarity of opinion, rationality of argument, creativity about new ideas, depth of own philosophy about the topic
- Requirements